
shows / meetings / performances / concerts

Trasparenze >Festivals and Residences

The project was conceived and organized by the Teatro dei Venti company in Modena with the aim of giving voice to the exceptional and creative national productivity, to the new languages ​​of the independent theater scene and to the enhancement of new spaces. Contamination of places and public, elaboration of new creative processes and new forms of interaction are the basis of a wide-ranging project that looks at the contemporary trying not to lose sight of the popular.
Trasparenze is not only an opportunity to meet artists, operators and a heterogeneous public, but wants to become a space to enhance models and creative processes, in order to stimulate a movement of art right in the middle of an historical moment pervaded by discouragement . Trasparenze in fact wants to be a way to make the Theater act within the social fabric of a district of Modena to make it live, entertain and think. The focus of the project is the formation of a conscious public, starting from the young, or the spectators of tomorrow. This is why the Konsulta, a group of young people aged between 16 and 25, was born immediately. Over the years it has joined the Artistic Direction in the selection of the shows to be hosted and in the conception of the artistic idea at the base of the different editions

Artistic Direction Stefano Tè

Head of Administration Francesca Ferri

Support for organization and hospitalityOxana Casolari

Communication manager and press officeSalvatore Sofia

Digital consultant Simone Pacini

Technical manager  Antonio Santangelo

Responsible for the spaces and coordination of volunteer festivalsFrancesca Figini

Photography  Chiara Ferrin

Videomaking  Raffaele Manco

Graphics Sara Garagnani